For Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC) regulated utilities

Not for use for non-PSC regulated utility companies

Please fill out the Permit Application below and send your check payment(s) for Permit Fees to:

Town of Stockbridge, N5024 Long Road, Chilton, WI 53014

  • PERMIT APPLICATION TO WORK WITHIN TOWN OF STOCKBRIDGE RIGHT–OF–WAY For Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC) regulated utilities

    Not for use for non-PSC regulated utility companies
  • Fees

    The following fees shall be submitted with applications for permits under the Ordinances of the Town of Stockbridge.
  • Select one below. If the project involved more than one of the below choices, please use a separate application for each project.
  • After submitting this online application please mail your permit fee to:

    Town of Stockbridge, N5024 Long Road Chilton, WI 53014

    • The Applicant shall begin work within 30 days of the issuance of the permit and be completed within 6 months. The Town may extend the time limitation for good cause.
    • The Applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Permitting Authority, its employees and its agents, from any cost, claim, suit, liability and/or award which might become, be brought, or be assessed, because of the issuance or exercise of this permit, or because of any adverse effect upon any person or property which is attributed to the partially or entirely completed works of the Applicant. Accomplishment of the permitted work, or any part thereof, by or on behalf of the Applicant shall bind such Applicant to abide by this permit and all its conditions and provisions.
    • The permitted facilities shall, if necessary, be altered at the expense of the Applicant to permit alterations, improvement, or maintenance of the roadway as may hereafter be ordered. The entire cost of constructing and maintaining the permitted facilities shall be the obligations of the Applicant unless a contract for such costs has been executed.
    • The work shall be completed in accordance with the submitted plan and any and all additions and corrections shown thereon.
    • If the facilities will be installed through a pilot hole either augured or driven underneath the pavement, the construction of said pilot hole shall begin and end no closer than five (5’) feet from the outside of the pavement.
    • All areas disturbed by this work shall be restored to original or better condition, including original elevation, grade, and slope. The disturbed areas outside of the roadbed shall be covered in kind, as immediately as possible, with erosion resistant cover, a minimum of which shall be sufficient topsoil, permanent grass and appropriate erosion control. All excess material shall be immediately removed from the site. All excavation is to be backfilled with a ready mixed aggregate slurry.
    • The pavement shall be left in a broom clean condition.
    • The Town may grant permission so far as it has legal authority to do so. The Town of Stockbridge does not give permission for excavation onto private property. Written permission must be given by the landowner.
    • The Applicant shall notify the Town of Stockbridge, N4331 Hwy 55, Chilton, WI 53014, Telephone # 920.439.1688 or 920.418.0709, forty-eight (48) hours prior to commencement of work and within 10 days of completion.
    • Restoration shall be guaranteed for 1 year for any grass or vegetation disturbed during excavation. All disturbed area must be restored within 30 days of completion or funds deposited with the Town will be used to complete proper restoration.
    •  The Applicant shall adhere to any additional requirements as specified on the permit.

    Note: A copy of the permit shall be kept at the work site during the installation of the utility.

  • Digital Signature & File Upload

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Clear Signature
  • Location Map and Construction Plan (Acceptable file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, doc, pdf) - 20 MB Limit
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, doc, pdf, Max. file size: 20 MB.